This past week, we had the chance to analyze some initial data related to the impact of the changes we have made in Grade 9. We are thrilled with the preliminary data in the areas of attendance, behavior and overall academic performance. Comparing Semester 1 results for Grade 9 from 2010-2011 SY with results from Grade 9 this school year, we have noticed significant improvements:
SY 10-11
SY 11-12
Attendance Rate
Referral Rate
D’s & F’s
*Attendance Rate is EOY for SY 10-11 vs. Sem 1 for SY 11-12
Referral and D/F data is straight Semester 1 comparison
This data inspired the Grade 9 teachers to consider what changes were most responsible for the radical improvements. Here are their thoughts:
1. Having the Grade 9 students and teachers in close physical proximity on the lower campus for core classes has greatly improved the ability for teacher collaboration & dialogue about individual students. It has also provided the Grade 9 students with their own "home" on campus.
2. Dedicated teaching
teams for English, Math, Social Studies, and Science have made a difference. Careful pairing for inclusion settings was also critical.
3. Weekly collaboration
with team members to discuss student concerns & curriculum alignment. Quarterly collaboration days with the whole team were essential.
4. Norm implementation - teachers have agreements in the following areas:
- Attendance policy
(tardy, etc.)
- Use of Planners
- Engrade
- Common Assessments
- Common Rubrics
- Common Projects
- Weekly Tutoring
Schedule & Intercession (led by core teachers/makeup work)
- Common Classroom practices (bellwork, agenda,
benchmark, exit passes, etc.)
We are excited to continue & expand these practices and to share them with the Grade 10 teachers and the rest of the faculty in the service of improving teaching and learning at our school.